Trump and his MAGA allies turn their fire on Haley – POLITICO

Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina and United Nations ambassador under President Donald Trump, may be facing a new challenge in her bid for the Republican presidential nomination: the former president himself. In recent weeks, Trump and his MAGA allies have turned their attention away from DeSantis and begun focusing their efforts on Haley, who they see as a growing threat in the race. They are spending millions on anti-Nikki Haley ads and attacking her record as South Carolina governor. While this might seem like a risky move by Trump, it actually makes sense given the current state of the race. Haley’s poll numbers have been rising steadily since her strong debate performances earlier this year, making her Trump’s closest competitor in terms of support among voters. If allowed to gain too much momentum, Haley could become an unstoppable force within the party. By targeting her now, Trump is attempting to limit her rise and prevent her from becoming a serious challenger. This move also demonstrates Trump’s continued influence over the GOP and his ability to shape the narrative around certain candidates. However, some believe that this shift in focus could backfire and galvanize Haley’s supporters, ultimately helping her campaign rather than hurting it. Only time will tell if Trump’s decision to turn his fire on Haley will pay off in the end. So what do you think? Should Trump continue to focus on DeSantis or should he double down on his attacks against Haley? And how do you think this will affect the overall race for the Republican nomination? Let me know your thoughts! #Trump #Haley #DeSantis #MAGA #GOP #Election2024 #RepublicanParty #Politics
User 1: I think Trump should focus on DeSantis instead of Haley. DeSantis has more potential to draw from Trump’s base and is seen as a more likely winner in the general election. Attacking Haley may help limit her rise in the polls, but it doesn’t guarantee victory. The best strategy for Trump would be to target both candidates, but prioritize DeSantis given his stronger appeal to primary voters. What are your thoughts? #Trump #DeSantis #Haley #Election2024 #GOP #RepublicanParty #Politics