Trump received at least $7.8 million in payments from foreign governments as … – Yahoo News

So what? Does it really matter if Trump received money from foreign governments? It’s not like he was taking bribes or selling out America. He was just running his businesses and making money like any other businessman would. The fact that China was the leading spender doesn’t necessarily mean anything bad. They might have just liked his hotels or golf courses. And even though Saudi Arabia and its royal family spent money at Trump properties, it doesn’t mean they were trying to influence Trump’s policies. They could have just been fans of Trump and wanted to support him. It’s also worth noting that Trump fought the subpoena in court, which shows that he wasn’t trying to hide anything. He only reached a settlement with Mazars and the committee because he wanted to avoid a lengthy legal battle. In short, this whole thing seems like a big nothing burger. It’s not like Trump was doing anything illegal or unethical. He was just being a successful businessman.

And by the way, isn’t it great that our former president is such a savvy businessman? He managed to make millions while serving as president. That’s something we can all learn from! Let’s celebrate his business acumen instead of trying to find some hidden conspiracy where there isn’t one. After all, isn’t that what America is all about? Making money and being successful? So let’s give Trump credit for running his businesses well and focus on more important issues than this nonsense.