Voyager Digital and Market Rebellion to Form Online Broker Platform for Equities, Options, and …

NEW YORK, May 5, 2021 /CNW/ – Voyager Digital Ltd.

The new entity, operating through its wholly owned subsidiary VYGR Digital Securities, LLC will execute equity trades on behalf of Voyager’s US based crypto-asset licensed brokerage as Voyager brings crypto to equities trading to its customer base through its highly acclaimed platforms.  Additionally, Market Rebellion will introduce its large active trading community to the new entity.

“Since our beginning, Voyager has always envisioned bringing multiple trading and investing products to our platforms to allow our valuable customers the ability to participate in global markets,” said Stephen Ehrlich, CEO and Co-Founder of Voyager.

The Voyager Platform provides its customers with competitive price execution through its smart order router and as well as a custody solution on a wide choice of popular crypto-assets.

Drawing on their team’s extensive experience as professional traders and analysts, Market Rebellion provides independent traders with trading ideas, education, content and tools — covering unusual options activity, technical and fundamental analysis, options theory and strategy, trading discipline, investor psychology and more — so that they can take control of their own financial destiny rather than having to rely on big institutions.

Factors that could cause actual results of the Company and its businesses to differ materially from those described in such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, a decline in the digital asset market or general economic conditions; changes in laws or approaches to regulation, the failure or delay in the adoption of digital assets and the blockchain ecosystem by institutions; changes in the volatility of crypto currency, changes in demand for Bitcoin and Ethereum, changes in the status or classification of cryptocurrency assets, cybersecurity breaches, a delay or failure in developing infrastructure for the trading businesses or achieving mandates and gaining traction; failure to grow assets under management, an adverse development with respect to an issuer or party to the transaction or failure to obtain a required regulatory approval.

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