TIP OF THE WEEK: Versatile lemon provides green cleaning options

They originated in parts of Asia and arrived in Italy around 500 AD.

Although most people don’t eat raw lemons, the fruit has become a culinary staple as a flavouring and ingredient in many of our recipes.

This is an obvious one and no doubt many of you have already used some version of a water and lemon juice solution to clean your windows.

Don’t open the door yet, though; leave the bowl in the microwave for another five minutes to let the steam do its work.

Follow more or less the same process for conventional ovens: fill an oven-safe bowl with a water and lemon solution similar to above and place it in the oven at 250F for 30 minutes.

Be sure to test this out on a less visible surface first as wood surfaces can vary in response to different treatments.

To remove tarnish on your copper, aluminum or brass pots, try sprinkling some coarse salt on the cut side of a lemon and then rub gently over the metal surface.

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