Snarl Of Cannabis Regulations Could Halt New York’s 2021 Growing Season

“Cannabis is not for the faint of heart.

The state also expects to create rules over the next 18 months for New Yorkers to grow up to six plants at home.

And the people that can navigate the growing pains, both with patience, intelligence and capital, they could come out in the next 3-5 years being pretty successful.

What I am looking at — the light at the end of the tunnel, the carrot on the stick for a lot of us is — we’re really looking at these micro-licenses.

SYRACUSE, NY is promoting legislation she hopes will get the cost of prescription drugs under control.

NEW YORK NOW – High-speed internet in New York could soon be regulated like other utilities — think electricity and gas — if members of the state Legislature move on a bill introduced Monday to more tightly monitor the industry.

TRANSFORMING HEALTH—Nurses in Pennsylvania’s largest health care union say COVID-19 has shown the need for a state policy requiring a minimum nurse-to-patient staffing ratio.

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