5 winners and 3 losers from Week 10 in the NFL

Now, with the dust settling on the season’s 10th week, it almost feels like Bill Belichick is destined for another deep playoff run where the sky is the limit.

Even the greatest detractors, those who hate the Patriots on a visceral level, crediting much of New England’s success to happenstance with Tom Brady and a system that attracted bright free agent talent at bargain prices, can’t deny that what the team is achieving in 2021 might be some of the most incredible work of Belichick’s tenure.

Sure, the Pats spent big in free agency which was wholly out of character for the franchise, but still — looking at this roster top-to-bottom, there aren’t many standout talents you can point to and say “this is why New England are good.” Instead the team isn’t just surviving with its roster, it’s thriving.

Now, as far as that comparison to the 2020 Buccaneers goes, consider this: Tampa Bay were 7-3 at the end of Week 10, with some pretty sketchy losses to the Saints and Bears.

Do the 2021 Patriots have that potential? No, probably not — but they’re a lot closer than people want to give them credit for.

There is no logical reason a team rebuilding, with a rookie quarterback, having numerous players brought into the fold for the first time, should somehow be sitting at the back-half of the season feeling like one of the most talented teams in the AFC.

Yes, he was always near the top of the league in passing yards, but he routinely dominated in passer rating, and touchdown percentage.

wanted to ease Jones in and not overwhelm him too quickly, but the kid gloves are coming off and with more responsibility given to him, we’re seeing more potential to be a top-tier quarterback because of how he fits in the New England system.

Sam Darnold is eating a lot of flack for being the cause of Carolina’s misfortunes, some of which are fair, but I think far more of the issue is because nobody on that offense felt the need to really try.

I know Pete probably kept is challenge flag in the same pocket as his phone, but I love the idea of him fumbling around and just dumping his pocket contents on the field.

Neither team appeared to really want to play football, instead they just played around for 60 minutes, punted a bunch of times, then called it even.

The legend of Mike White was entirely contrived out of desperation and wonder, and it all collapsed on Sunday.

White was garbage against the Bills on Sunday, which isn’t necessarily a surprise against one of the league’s best defenses.

I know that might be infuriating, but man, it’s a blast never knowing what the hell will happen from week to week, and hitting Week 10 still not really knowing who is actually good.

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