18 Burning Manifest Questions as Finale Shockers Include Death, Vanishing and Biggest Cal Twist Yet

While we still have our issues with the writing and some of the acting — more on that in a bit — we have to give credit for a compelling finale that definitely left us hoping the network doesn’t leave us hanging.

If you pull the plug after three seasons and major cliffhangers like this one, fans will be less likely to tune into your next similar series for fear they’ll never get answers on that one either.

There has been an interesting evolution in Ben’s character that has us wondering if he may actually be the biggest threat to the Passengers and their Life Boat.

If you needed an example of his recklessness, Ben almost immediately broke house arrest to chase a Calling.

The Ark piece indicates that the show may have a more direct connection to that particular Bible story than any other, despite its spiritual overtones.

Cal has always been special and different than all the other Passengers, but that doesn’t explain why touching the Tailfin made him disappear altogether, telling Grace he would see her soon.

This might be explained simply by the fact that Micheala, Zeke and Andrea later found a contact sheet for all the passengers, but at the same time how would Eagan have had any idea where to find her.

We get that Grace was frantic after Cal’s disappearance, but that doesn’t explain why she needed to rush home and find Cal’s notebook all by herself.

He was clearly on his way to uncovering Saanvi’s role in the Major’s death, so why did Michaela’s former partner Andrew not follow up on that at all after Jared left? Isn’t she a cop first? Michaela had already resigned at that point.

Did his empathic abilities pick up residual feelings from Michaela for Jared? Perhaps guilt because Michaela was thinking something similar? We get that Jared and Michaela were a couple first, but we liked that both had managed to move on.

Is he really willing to do nothing about that now that he knows the truth? We know he’s bent the rules for Michaela before, but letting someone get away with murder when he doesn’t even know the story seems a bit much for a detective.

After Erika’s arrest and reveal of the resistance warehouse, where did everyone go? Eagan and Randall were alone when they broke into Vance’s house and unexpectedly kidnapped his son Warren .

So is that all she gets? Or is it that she turned her back on the science and finally went on faith that redeemed her? The murder of the Major must just be an acceptable loss to whoever is behind all of this.

This week, when Angelina broke into the Stone house to get her “angel,” we got a vantage that appeared to be from Eden’s eyes as she looked at Angelina and the flames were back.

But where has he been? He told Ben in the Calling on the plane that this was what needed to be done, so he was presumably having a Calling wherever he was after disappearing.

With Gupta watching at Eureka, Captain Daly suddenly appeared back in the cockpit of the plane he was flying in when it disappeared a few years ago.

Zimmer was already pretty peeved that anything would stop testing on the artifacts, so what would she do with this development? Hopefully, the equipment captured the plane’s disappearance, or she might not even believe it vanished.

We could believe that this alone is why he was recast and aged up, but it could also be in anticipation of a bigger time jump before the next season.

Grace’s death, in particular, would be very hard to write in the immediate aftermath, as the entire Stone family is going to need time to grieve.

If they can’t get a vote of confidence from the network to complete their full six-season plan, this could be a backdoor that allows them to skip closer to the end.

That way if they only get a couple more seasons, or even just one, they’ll still have the ability to actually end the story by simply jumping ahead that much closer to the Death Date of the Passengers and picking up the story there.

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