12354 BTC Withdrawn From Coinbase in an Hour, Totaling $700M

The amount of 12,354 bitcoin was withdrawn within an hour on Friday.

Hinting that the withdrawal could be from financial institutions wanting to increase their Bitcoin stock.

The large withdrawal was from Coinbase, a crypto exchange that aims to be a fair, accessible, efficient, and transparent financial system enabled by crypto.

Dogecoin, a digital currency with no white paper, no paid staff, and no fundamentals, has soared 14,000% in value this year and now has a market cap of almost $80 billion.

Elon Musk’s guest-hosting appearance on this week’s Saturday Night Live has already caused a stir among the cast and the easily outraged.

now has a price tag: at least $2.4 million a day.That’s how much any move by the European Union to cut off access to London’s dominant clearinghouses for derivatives could cost traders in euro interest rate swaps, net of buying, according to an estimate from Albert Menkveld, professor of finance at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, who has sat on advisory panels to European regulatory authorities.Fragmenting cross-Channel clearing would result in additional costs because global dealers would need more collateral for their positions in multiple clearinghouses in the U.K.

this year in return for keeping up the flow of credit during the pandemic.Six lenders including ING Groep NV and Deutsche Bank AG have disclosed their expected benefit from the central bank’s targeted longer-term loan programs. Together, the banks said they earned about 416 million euros in the first quarter while other lenders said they intend to book gains later in the year.Seven years after turning banking on its head with the introduction of negative interest rates, the ECB is dangling enhanced subsidies to get banks to pump cheap cash into an economy lurching from one crisis to another.

“Growth names that were taken to the woodshed are getting another chance, because they will be perceived to be less risky in an environment where there is a slower recovery, and that’s really what the jobs data is indicating”, said Tom Martin, senior portfolio manager at Globalt Investments.

More impressive is the index’s resilience in the face of valuation measures that are by many metrics as rich as they’ve been since the dot-com bubble.How precarious is the market’s altitude? Consider data from Leuthold Group, which compared prices today to their average levels since 1995, a starting point picked to correspond with a broad upward shift in valuations.

The key question for policymakers at the Federal Reserve — and traders on Wall Street — is whether the broad spike in commodities prices will be temporary.Could the rally fizzle out?In the case of copper, there are some signs that spot demand is starting to cool, particularly in China, and some analysts and traders say the record prices aren’t justified by today’s fundamentals.The view among policymakers is that the rise in commodities prices will prove short-lived, as consumers will focus their spending on services and experiences as economies open up, easing the strain on demand for commodities-intensive items such as second homes, electronics and appliances seen during lockdown.For copper though, it’s not just about strong demand today.

stock funds now are riding a river of new cash from investors — and that is not a bullish sign.

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The 39-year-old landlord, who was born and raised in Toronto, Canada, reached $1 million Canadian dollars, or approximately US$791,000, in 2019, though he felt he had reached financial independence even sooner.

As the US economy continues to open up, the April jobs report from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the boom in delivery jobs has taken a tumble.

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